Email Notifications - Overview
Customer Emails Overview
Email notifications are sent from a support email by the system, if your customer responds to any of the emails, their response will be sent to your support email address.
Enable/Disable Customer Emails
By default, all customer emails are enabled. Here's how to change this setting:
- On the left bar, click on "Administration" and go to "Settings".
- Go to "Emailing" and uncheck the email that you wish to disable. This setting will apply to all customers.
- Don't forget to click "Save" to save your changes.
Edit the Email Notifications Sent to Your Customers
You have the ability to edit the email sent to your customers. To edit your emails:
- Go to Administration > Settings > Emailing
- Select the email template you want to edit
- Click on "View/Edit Email Template"
If you have issues or are unsure on how to edit email templates, reach out to us, and we will help you.